Virtual Road Trip Wrap-up

This NFL Road Trip has been a blast so far! We started out in 'Nawlins', had some gumbo, talked about the Saints and had an aweome time. Then Angelo and I headed just northeast to Charlotte, North Carolina. We met with Matt Wagner, talked a little Carolina Panthers football, what there is to do around Charlotte, and Matt so graciously gave us his impression of a Sir Purr grow, and now we are in Cleveland, OH, home of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, the Browns, and Drew Carey! (Cleveland Rocks!). Samantha Fryburger (sorry if I butchered her last name) gave us all the information about what to do and see in Cleveland. Keep an ear out for our future trips, as we are planning to head out to the Big Apple and talk about the J-E-T-S Jets! Jets! Jets! and the New York Football Giants. Other cities we plan on invading are Tampa Bay, Dallas, Chicago (of course), Denver...and who knows where else Phil the Bus Driver will take us! (Why we need a bus for two guys is beyond me, but Phil is awesome, so we keep him around.) Thanks you for reading and listening!


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